AcroPrep™ 24-well filter plates with Omega™ membrane, a Pall Life Sciences product, can be used for ultrafiltration applications including desalting, diafiltration, concentration or fractionation of protein and nucleic acid samples.
The Omega ultrafiltration membrane is a polyethersulfone (PES) membrane specifically modified to minimize protein and nucleic acid binding. The Omega membrane works on the premise of size exclusion, where samples are fractionated by molecular weight. Larger molecules can be separated from smaller molecules by selecting the appropriate molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) and filtering the sample through these plates by either centrifugation, vacuum, or positive pressure. Typical results are ≥ 90% recovery of target molecules.
The 24-well filter plates are available with a variety of MWCOs, ranging from 1 kDa to 100 Kda, to use with a wide range of biomolecules. Receiver plates are supplied with the filter plates to ensure the easy collection of the filtrate.